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Customer Support 24/7

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Customer Support Instructions

⁃ Customer support team is available 24/7 to serve you

⁃ Before sending a new ticket for your order, please read the average time for the selected service

⁃ Notice to all users! Any misbehavior with our customer support will cause your account to be limited and/or potentially suspended.

⁃ In order to proceed correctly, do not open more than one ticket for the same purpose or for the same order

Sometimes it can take up to 6 hours for us to respond, depending on the tickets overload.

Customer Support Instructions

⁃ Customer support team is available 24/7 to serve you

⁃ Before sending a new ticket for your order, please read the average time for the selected service

⁃ Notice to all users! Any misbehavior with our customer support will cause your account to be limited and/or potentially suspended.

⁃ In order to proceed correctly, do not open more than one ticket for the same purpose or for the same order

Sometimes it can take up to 6 hours for us to respond, depending on the tickets overload.